“Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart.”
If you’re after the Tuckshop volunteer spreadsheet, please use this LINK
Did you know volunteering makes you happier?
A recent study showed that 82% of volunteers were delighted, pleased or mostly satisfied with their lives, compared with 75% of non-volunteers.
In this fast-paced age, volunteering can take many forms. Some people can give a lot, others have time for just a few minutes. Some can work during the day time; others can only work at night or on weekends.
Can you think of just one thing you can do to become more involved in your child’s school? Here are just some ideas:
put your name down to help at an event
offer to put up event posters around the school
get together a team to organise an event
bring your great ideas to P&C meetings
help clean up after an event
donate goods or services for raffle prizes or lucky door prizes
design a poster
help fold and sort uniforms in the uniform shop
help Mr Bryant in a gardening working bee
provide baked goods for an event
help write grants
make coffees at an event
welcome new members to P&C meetings
help in tuckshop — even once a year.
Virtual volunteers are welcome! Do you have design skills you can use to make posters at home? Could you organise a spreadsheet for us after hours?