You can make a difference!
Help out
We always welcome volunteers, whether you can donate a little bit of time or a lot. And it doesn't have to be in school hours: virtual volunteers are welcome as we have lots of small administration jobs that can be done from home. Whether you have specialist skills, or just buckets of experience, we'd love you to be involved.
Spread the Word
Signing up to the P&C gives you voting rights at meetings. Be part of the conversations around what happens at your child's school. If you don't want to come to meetings, but would like to keep in touch with P&C news, why not join our mailing list.
Every year the P&C raises funds to pay for the school's environmental education program, and to contribute towards the instrumental music and sports programs.
School families can donate through Qkr! at any time to P&C fundraising projects. You can also email the P&C to find out how to donate to any of our projects.
Buranda Fest is our school's biggest and best-attended fundraiser, with more than 1000 people enjoying the fete's many stalls and attractions. This year's Centenary celebration will attract an even larger crowd, with former students and staff expected to come along to make the most of school tours, history displays and the chance to reminisce with old friends.
Families within our school community are invited to support the event, which raises funds to run the school's Environmental Education program, to improve school facilities and provide our children with a wonderful
social experience.
Supporting Buranda Fest is a great way for local businesses to be a part of our vibrant school community.