The P&C executive has been working with the school on a draft Strategic Plan to guide us for the next three years. It sets out what the key responsibilities of the P&C are, and the kinds of things we’d like to fundraise for and achieve for the school community.
Each year the P&C seeks to raise a minimum of $30,000 to support a number of important initiatives, including ongoing programs, one-off initiatives and running costs (insurance, tuckshop wages etc.).
2017 was a highly successful year for programs run by the new P&C Executive. Various events raised approximately, $50,300 in funds, with plans to use the excess to air condition classrooms once the school master plan is finalised.
Every year the P&C also pays for insurance, wages, memberships, bank charges and stationery, which cost $7,300 in 2017 (more from 2018 with paid uniform shop convenor). We also buy uniform stock: in 2017 we bought $11,200 in uniforms.
For a breakdown of planned projects and fundraising capacity please see the Budget Forecast document, which can be downloaded here and Strategic Plan which can be downloaded here
It’s a draft at the moment and we’d love your feedback. Please email comments by Friday 30 November so we can discuss it at December’s P&C meeting (Wednesday 5 December, 6 for 6.15pm).
Thanks to the parents who responded to the P&C survey on fundraising plans in late 2018. We received 61 responses and some great useful ideas for projects and events, as well as feedback on what the P&C is doing right and things you’d like to see more (or less of) in the future. You can read the survey summary here.