I hope everyone had a great break. You will find term 4's menu on the Tuck Shop page and also up around the school. You can order in Qkr! anytime now. Tuck shop will commence in week 3 this term, then fortnightly after that.
I am always looking for fresh ideas for the menu and fresh faces on Fridays to help out. Please let me know if you are able to help prepare on Fridays or even for an hour when serving. My email is antheaharris_67@hotmail.com
I am also looking for someone to help out on an ongoing basis with the iceblock sales on a Thursday. You would need to be at the school from about 11am until about 1130. I purchase the iceblocks so it is just 30mins in the tuckshop on Thursday. Perhaps you could team up with a friend and do every 2nd week.
Let me know if you are interested or even if you could be an emergency contact for those weeks we are really stuck.
Thank you